The people of Melbourne continue to endure one of the world’s harshest COVID-19 lockdowns to date. It’s been eight weeks now. They were promised their freedom in September. Now it looks like October. Maybe. But only if Aussies promise to keep wearing masks and stop whining about their sovereign rights.
“We can no longer have people visiting others,” declared the province’s premier-dictator in a press conference. “We can no longer have people simply out and about for no good reason whatsoever. It is not an easy decision to make; but it is the decision that is necessary and that is why I have made it.”
So much for democracy. Can’t vote because we locked all the voters up.
One man has decided to imprison five million citizens in their homes. One man, as he says, has made the decision.
The reason for doing the unthinkable?
“The southeastern state of Victoria has been experiencing an alarming spike in COVID infections. Something which is largely put down to serious infection control breaches in the hotel quarantine system,” says Forbes.
Imagine, 200 more people in a state of 6,500,000 caught a coronavirus. Something that happens every winter. It’s why it’s called the flu and cold season. For that the premiere sentenced five million people to house arrest?
Oddly, the Australian National Institute for Health’s most recent Influenza Report states: “At the national level, notifications of laboratory-confirmed influenza have substantially decreased since mid-March and remain low.”

Did the flu really disappear in March? Or did they just give the regular cold and flu season a new name: COVID-19
For this citizens are only allowed outside for one hour of exercise. While running they must wear a mask (which gold-standard studies show does nothing to stop the spread of infection). Australian Aviation reports drones hover over citizens to ensure they don’t bring their kids to a park. It’s a cliché dystopian movie brought to life.
Surely, there must be a better reason for the premiere’s actions? Kangaroos must be dying in droves from COVID-19. In tomorrow’s post, we’ll take a look at the data Down Under and see if there is a justification for these extreme, harmful and tyrannical measures.
Until then, don’t be dismayed. Share these posts with friends, family and foes. Supplant brainwashing with reasonable discussion. Remember these wise words from the film V for Vendetta: “Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.”