What would Jesus do today, seeing people’s livelihood stolen from them under the guise of keeping the frail safe from COVID-19?
Would he tell us to turn the other cheek?
I doubt it.
When he saw the temple filled with money-changers and vendors trying to cheat the people out of their hard-earned fruits he made a “whip of cords” and drove out their “philanthropic” money making operation without a word of warning.
So, no, I don’t think Jesus would stand by and passively watch the economy be destroyed, small business ruined, families forced onto welfare and into food banks so that over-lording corporations can take over. He would speak out, he would act and he would, as he did, put his life on the line to stop injustice.
A friend told me: It’s only money. The economy will bounce back. I prefer to be more spiritual. Yet I can’t think of a historical religious leader that has practiced such apathy.
In Hinduism, Prince Arjuna felt it wrong to go to war over stolen land; but Bhagvan Krishna told him to forsake his weak-heartedness, pick up his bow and fight.
Likewise, Prince Gautama renounced his father’s wealth, power and fame to become the Buddha, traveling India and speaking out against greed.
Moses held a position of power in Egypt, yet sacrificed it all to free his people.
And, then of course, there’s Mohammad, who we all know wouldn’t put up with much he didn’t agree with — especially the rampant usury bankrupting countries into corona poverty today.
And so, I think, at the very least, we should be refusing to cooperate with these “den of robbers.” We should not be afraid to speak out. Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s but whip his hand back when it overreaches.
“All compromise is based on give and take,” said Mahatma Gandhi, “but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender, for it is all give and no take.”
Today, the governments of the world have overreached their authority, using this not-so-deadly pandemic as an excuse. We only need to look to Melbourne to see where this could all end up. But we only need to look within to see how to drive the the bureaucrats out of office.
For one of favourite portrayals of the “cleansing of the temple” check out this clip from the Gospel of Matthew movie. We only have two cheeks. They’ve slapped both of them. Isn’t that enough?