“What a joy it is to look out upon an island of sanity in a world of madness. We gather here today because a dangerous disease, a deadly disease, is sweeping across this land and across this world. And it is not COVID-19. It is fascism. Fascism justified by the illusion pandemic of COVID-19.”
So began David Icke, yesterday, standing on stage in the centre of Trafalgar Square during the rally in London of over 35,000 citizens against the coronavirus hoax (as seen in this recording). Author of 20 books, often chided for the far-flung conspiracy theories the contain, Icke does not hold back poking fun at the coronavirus narrative and the health officials promoting it:
“[The] virus, I must give it credit, is so well equipped for every eventuality:
“You must not go nearer than six feet to another person, to protect you from the virus. So now it’s got a bloody tape measure!
“You must not stay with anyone outside your bubble for more than 15 minutes. Now it’s got a bloody watch!
“And we are going to make masks mandatory; but not until the end of next week. Now it’s got a bloody calendar!…”
“We are seeing a long, long planned agenda, rolling out in a script,” he continues in a serious turn. “And it is destined, if we do not stand up now, to end with the total, global, subjugation of the human race… If we go on, allowing the psychopaths to dictate our lives, this is not going to end well. But if we remember where the power is, then this can end in a dramatically short time. The power is with us.”
Icke then quotes Percy Shelly’s The Mask of Anarchy The poem was written shortly after the Peterloo Massacre in 1819. The massacre took place in Manchester, when 60,000 citizens assembled peacefully to demand parliamentary reform, according to the Peterloo Memorial Campaign. Cavalry charged the crowd, trampling and cutting with sabres, injuring 700 and killing 16 men, one woman and a child.

Icke quoted Percy’s ode to this tragedy which took place exactly 200 years prior to the “discovery” of SAR-COV-2 in 2019:
Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you -- Ye are many -- they are few.
“Those words were written in 1819,” concludes Icke, “and so much of humanity still has not learned the lesson.
“This whole subjugation and imposition of fascism on the human race, world wide, is being run not by health professionals even, but by psychologists… [they] study human psychology and then play out what [they’ve] learned to re-modify the behaviour of the population.
“And they are focusing on our kids, more than anyone.”
Yet, not all children are going to be victims. Many are being raised like lion cubs not sacrificial lambs. In tomorrow’s post, I’ll share brave new words from Canadian youths at the Ottawa rally. Children who are refusing to participate in the COVID-19(84) school system. Until then, for more on David Icke’s highly censored views on the virus check out his website.