In yesterday’s Red Pill Post I argued that the the recent CDC report does not prove (as many claim) that only 6% of reported COVID-19 deaths are genuine. The data it presents is too contradicting to offer clarity one way or the other regarding COVID’s questionable fatality rate.
It seems Dr. Zubin Damania would agree. He makes a similar argument in a recent video: “[The report] has led to a storm of misunderstandings about what this data means, and worse yet, we’re really getting to a point where we’re just absolutely becoming scientifically illiterate.”
Nonetheless, he also points out that even if every single one of the official COVID-19 deaths are true, it still wouldn’t justify the destructive measures taken to contain the disease. Here’s a brief excerpt from his video:
“You don’t need to believe that [we’re over counting deaths] to still feel that the response is worse than the disease, that the number of deaths did not justify what we’ve done to the country – in terms of lockdowns, changing our freedoms, destroying our cultural fabric, increasing substance abuse, alcoholism, a lost generation who’s not getting educated (mostly poor people), the economic destruction that’s destroying businesses that’ll never be back.
“You can still argue those things based on those principles without lying and distorting data. You don’t need to. You have enough of a leg to stand on to have a civil debate; but we don’t do that, we politicize everything…
“If it’s an iceberg and the tip of it is the deaths, you can argue that the rest of the iceberg is important too. That’s fine, make that argument. Don’t misrepresent data and make yourself and your opinions look stupid, because that’s what it does. It really riles me up because this is simple, simple, simple science; it’s not that complicated. And we’re slave to social media, what they’re feeding us, all of this, we need to start to think critically using the skillsets that we can easily develop with a little bit of training….”
According to his about page, Dr. Damania is “a UCSF/Stanford trained internist and founder of Turntable Health, an innovative primary care clinic and model for Health 3.0.” You can watch his entire video or read the transcript.
In the end, I think there is enough evidence to show that the COVID-19 death rate is inflated. But by how much? We may never know. And it probably doesn’t matter; because even the official death count does not justify the greater number of deaths and damage that lockdowns, masking and other such new normal nonsense have caused.