The above chart from the UK’s Office of National Statistics reveals some interesting points. First note how the overall death rate is rising even though the COVID death rate is falling. Death by social distancing? And note how flu deaths are out-numbering COVID deaths. I guess the masks only stop coronaviruses?
Kit Knightly recently reported in the Off-Guardian: “…since at least June 19th, more people in the UK have been dying of influenza than Covid19. This, of course, is despite the fact that ‘Covid19 deaths’ are incredibly vaguely defined.
“Under UK law a person only has to test positive for the SARS-COV-2 virus at any point in the 28 days prior to their death for “COVID-19” to be on their death certificate, a policy which totally ignores the fact the majority of SARS-COV-2 infections are completely symptomless (and has already resulted in huge over-counts).
“Meanwhile boring old influenza is lumbered with having to actually contribute to the death before being added to the death certificate. And nevertheless, for three straight months, the UK has recorded more flu deaths than COVID deaths.”
This demonstrates that all the measures that have been forced upon us — masks, sanitizers, anti-social distancing, unemployment, deranged germaphobia — have had no impact on viral transmission. Instead, the only thing they impacted is the well-being of the people they were put in place to “keep safe.” You can read Knightly’s full article here and share it with friends and family.
“If you want total security, go to prison,” said Dwight D. Eisenhower. “There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom.”