As related in Tuesday’s post, our local Ontario hospital is denying dialysis treatment to my wife, Nicole, because she refuses to wear a face mask.
I sent a letter to the CEO showing how the science proves surgical masks do not stop the spread of infection. The CEO responded with a letter stating that the hospital is following public health policies. Oddly, the guidelines he referenced actually endorse a “flexible approach” to (useless) mask wearing – principally recommending putting up “please wear a mask” signs, not sending patients home to die. I sent him a letter back to that effect.
On Monday, September 21 he sent a letter back which showed small progress: He stopped claiming that masks keep people safe. Instead he said: “[The Huron-Perth Healthcare Alliance] is confident that there are no negative impacts to individuals using a mask….”
He also didn’t claim to be following Ministry guidelines anymore. Instead he provided an anonymous document from the never-heard-of-before Huron Perth and Area Ontario Health Team Physician Advisory Council. This newly created document was made in response to “inquiries from concerned patients and community leaders.” It comes to the unexplained conclusion that “current evidence for masking during COVID 19 outweighs any theoretical risks.”
A Google search revealed zero information about this advisory council. Not even a single author is listed in the document. Based on a letter posted online by the CEO himself, it appears as if this “health team” was only recently brought into formation in response to COVID-19.
Oddly, the CEO claimed in his letter that they see no “negative impacts” from masking patients; yet the advisory council’s guidelines he references include five big negatives:
- anxiety and panic attacks so bad that counselling and therapy are recommended
- triggering of post-traumatic stress disorder where a horrific memory is relived
- agoraphobia and asphyxia reactions wherein the person feels they are dying
- children so negatively impacted that they “cannot be persuaded” to wear a mask
- acne vulgaris — a skin disease which stresses the immune system, can lead to permanent scarring and has been linked to depression and suicidal thoughts
My letter (which you can read here) goes on to list three more “negative impacts” included in the Ministry of Health’s document on masking; followed by ten potential harms listed in a paper by Denis Rancourt PhD. I then list studies showing masks increase the rate of wound infection post-surgery; followed by another five-year study which found mask wearing during dialysis had no benefit and “may be a source of bacterial contamination…”
Not stopping there, I quoted medical doctors and dentists claiming that masks are leading to a rise in bacterial pneumonia and tooth decay. I also point out the potential harms of using an untested medical device on renal-failure patients specifically.
Lastly, I pointed out: “And is it not obvious that masking creates a social environment of fear and stress? Masks are often worn by criminals trying to hide their identity while perpetuating an offence (theft, violence, rape, murder, etc.).”
In conclusion I asked Mr. Andrew Williams: “Please stand up for the safety and freedom of those you serve and who have put their trust in you; while at the same time protecting yourself and your organization from being held accountable for such careless disregard for scientific evidence, constitutional law and personal liberties.”
Since the CEO seems more swayed by public opinion than scientific evidence, possibly an onslaught of emails and posted letters might help him decide to put an end to this tyrannical masking policy. Please consider emailing or posting a polite, yet firm, message to Mr. Andrew Williams asking that he allow Nicole Manley to return to dialysis immediately:
Andrew Williams
President & CEO, Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance
46 General Hospital Dr. Stratford, ON N5A 2Y6
phone: (519) 272-8210 (ext. 8202)
cell: (519) 274-0021