By now, you’ve probably heard Dr. Roger Hodkinson‘s decrying the COVID-19 measures at an Edmonton city council meeting. The pathologist’s brave words are a candle of hope in these dark days of the corona scandal:
“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous! This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”
Keep in mind, Dr. Hodkinson isn’t some fringe medic running a clinic in a remote village in Northern Alberta. He’s not a MD who has given up his license to sell essential oils, push superfood chalk mixes, and wave magnets over people’s tumours. He has four credentials after his name and was a chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada Examination Committee and Pathology in Ottawa, Canada. More to the point, he’s currently a chairman with a biotechnology company in North Carolina selling the SAR-CoV-2 PCR test.
Despite making money (and probably a lot of it) from coronavirus testing, he says: “I do want to emphasize that positive test results do not — underlined in neon — mean a clinical infection. It’s simply driving public hysteria and all testing should stop — unless you’re presenting to the hospital with some respiratory problem.”
Amidst all the stammering of confused or corrupt politicians and outright lies of manipulative media, it is so heartening to hear Dr. Hodkinson put aside profit for truth, in such a frank and uncompromising way.
Why is he not being interviewed by every major news station in the world? Instead of CNN and CBC Newsworld, this CEO of a Edmonton medical testing company humbly waited in a virtual line up at a city council meeting. He the ninety-fifth to speak out against the human right violations being committed under the guise of stopping an invisible pandemic, according to the meeting agenda:

This pathologist literally says he is outraged; but not in a self-centred or emotional way. Instead he’s angry about the injustice — “business closures, suicides” — taking place on such a large scale without any justification: “It is utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings, obeying [mask mandates] without any evidence.”
Such brave acts should hopefully lead to many more from other doctors who took an oath to heal, not harm.
Another flicker of hope: While the CBC has yet to interview Dr. Hodkinson, they actually published a remarkably balanced account of the meeting — even quoting the pathologist’s words about COVID-19 being a hoax.
But where CBC jumped the torch of truth, alternative media has picked it up: In The Defender you can hear all of Dr. Hodkinson’s recorded words and read a complete transcript, if you have not done so already.