We’ve probably all seen such signs by now. In Canada it’s left up to the store owner whether they enforce face masks (says the CBC). While Germans face fines of up to €10,000 (according to The Guardian). And in the States “face coverings have become a political and cultural debate” (according to APNews).
Epidemiologist Dr. Knutt Wittkowski has spoken out about how face masks delay herd immunity. Dr. Artin Massihi warns that they weaken our immune system. Even The New England Journal of Medicine admits that a face mask “offers little, if any, protection from infection.”
So what’s a freedom-loving citizen to do? We either boycott the store or we get creative: You really want me to wear a mask? Sure thing… Here follows my Three-Step Face Mask Dissent Plan demonstrated with the help of my son, Jonah.
Step 1: Wear a smiling face:

Step 2: Put on one of the establishment’s scientifically unproven and dehumanizing face masks:

Step 3: If wearing one mask is going to save Grandma, then two masks will save the world! I purchased us Guy Fawkes masks from Amazon.ca (also available at Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk:

Yes, I realize many identify Guy Fawkes as a terrorist. I disagree. He did not target civilians; only politicians who had taken away his freedom to practice his religion. He did not try to explode Westminster Palace to instil fear in the masses; merely to replace the government. He was a freedom fighter. I may not agree with his means, but certainly his spirit and motives.
Indeed, today, it’s the governments of the world who are terrorizing us with inflated death tolls while taking lives with oppressive lockdowns.
Of course, other masks could be worn: Americans might masquerade as George Washington. Canadians could resurrect Louis Riel. Mexicans can don Geronimo masks. Indians could honour Mahatma Gandhi. With a little creativity we can beat them playing by their own rules.