National Geographic has released a little book with some big lies about Dr. Anthony Fauci, describing him as “one of the world’s greatest medical minds.”
Was that a typo? Don’t they mean “criminal” minds?
Sadly, no. The books claims readers “looking to live a more compassionate and purposeful life will find inspiration in his unique perspective on leadership, expecting the unexpected, and finding joy in difficult times.”
Confession: I have a low tolerance level for hypocrisy. It’s a shortcoming of mine.
If someone wants to behave as a sociopath, having no concern for what is right or wrong, I can deal with that—an old-fashioned bad guy who doesn’t try to hide it. But that’s not the case with Pope Fauci. Instead, the lame stream media portrays him as a hero, even a saint.
Fortunately, it looks like Children’s Health Defense is challenging his canonization with a thicker book that is winning more readers than National Geographic’s 96-page propaganda piece. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s 480-page The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health has been holding the #1 bestseller spot on Amazon for about a week now. It even outsold the release of Go Tell the Bees That I’m Gone—an even thicker book (928 pages!) in Diana Gabaldon’s bestselling Outlander series…

I haven’t received my copy of The Real Anthony Fauci yet, so I can’t vouch for the content; but I am more than familiar with Kennedy and his viewpoints. I expect the book will help take humanity a big step forward in exposing the evil plot behind the COVID-19 hoax. While I don’t usually encourage people to order from Amazon, in this case the publicity it provides makes it worth it. Rather than supporting Amazon, I feel we are using them.
Whether from Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, other online dealers or your local bookshop, I encourage you to order a copy for yourself, your family and your neighbours. How we spend (and earn) our money is probably a more powerful way to vote for truth and change than any election. (That’s why they like to keep people poor and spending their money on distractions and addictions.)
Right now, the truth about Dr. Fauci is ranking #1; while National Geographic’s Orwellian biography is trailing at #12,622. I think we just might be winning some ground here. On this American Thanksgiving Day, I feel that’s something to be grateful for.