In an interview with Stew Peters, and another with Mike Adams, chiropractic doctor and COVID researcher, Bryan Ardis presents evidence to support a theory so horrific it’s what you’d expect to read in a medical horror novel.
Ardis believes that COVID-19 symptoms, as seen in places like Wuhan and New York, are a result of synthesized snake venom being added to the local water supply. As symptoms emerge, victims are rushed to the hospital where they are given Remdesivir—a drug Ardis suspects is also derived from synthetic king cobra venom. Furthermore, and ultimately the most diabolical, is his claim that the mRNA vaccine is infusing reptilian DNA into humans, making body cells produce micro doses of snake venom, effectively poisoning themselves to death.
I mentioned Ardis’ work on Remdesivir in my novel, Much Ado About Corona:
I could feel my appetite vanishing as I swallowed the last bite of my sandwich. I wasn’t sure if I could take anymore of their “alternative news.” Josef, however, was only getting started.
“And I just saw a vid of Dr. Bryan Ardis testifying before the German Coronavirus Investigative Committee,” he added. “He says hospitals, especially in America, have been mandated to give their COVID patients Remdesivir.”
“Rem-des-a-what?” I asked, knowing I didn’t want to know the answer.
“It’s a drug that causes kidney failure. That’s why they’ve been putting so many patients on dialysis.”
“I thought that was because the virus fried their kidneys?”
“You ever hear of the common cold giving people kidney failure?”
I didn’t respond.
“They know Remdesivir causes kidney failure,” explained Stefanie. “It’s a known side effect. Without kidneys the patient can’t go pee, so their body starts filling up with fluid.”
“Look at this,” said Josef. Suddenly the image of him on the screen was replaced by two black-and-white X-rays. “The one on the left is how lungs look when full of pneumonia. Kind of like cauliflower. The X-ray on the right is when it’s full of edema, but no infection. Looks like a skating rink.”
I stood up, walked toward the display and squinted at the ghostly images of an organ we normally only felt, but never saw.
“They’re not dying of respiratory problems,” Josef said angrily. “They can’t breathe because they’re drowning in their own bodily fluids. If the Remdesivir-induced kidney failure doesn’t kill them, then the ventilator will.”
In a flash, the X-rays were replaced by Josef and his blond sideburns filling the screen. “Time to wake up… COVID-19 is code name for mass murder.”
While kidney failure can feign pneumonia, simply being poisoned triggers severe respiratory problems. I know, as I suffered chlorine gas poisoning in 1988. By the time I reached the ER, the tunnel of death was pretty close to yanking me out of physical existence. I remember gasping for air, but never feeling like I was getting enough. Then I lost consciousness. Then I woke up with an IV, lying in a hospital bed. By the next day, however, I was using the base of the IV pole as a skate board and driving the nurses crazy in the hallway.
Back to Ardis’ interview: He gets into deciphering words. Being a wordsmith I like words. Corona, he points out, is Latin for crown. Crowns are worn by kings. And virus is Latin for venom. Hence, coronavirus pandemic might be code name for king cobra pandemic. Clever and creepy.
Like a tightly edited plot (that requires you suspend your disbelief) the pieces fit together rather well—confirming what I have asserted for most of the so-called pandemic: there is no virus. In the few places where we did see more acute and odd cases of respiratory distress, I assumed it was the result of poisoning—whether from graphene oxide in the flu shot or 5G in the air. Hadn’t considered snake venom in the water.
Ardis presents a heaping pile of evidence to back his theory, but hardly enough to prove it without a doubt. If he is correct, however, it is bafflingly evil. The snake element is clearly “satanic” (whether from a real Satan or people who believe in Satan). I’ve long felt that what is unfolding across the world today is a battle between good and evil of proportions worthy of the Bible or the Mahabharata. If Ardis is right, then he’s a modern-day prophet. If he’s wrong, well, he has the outline for a chilling novel (maybe we can team up?).
You can view Stew Peter’s documentary style interview with Ardis, Watch the Water, on Rumble and Mike Adam’s longer and more in-depth interview on Brighteon.

John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal, while living in Stratford Ontario, with his wife Nicole and son Jonah. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his full bio or check out his novel.