A growing collection of flyers you can download, print and distribute to help awaken people form the nightmarish new normal:
New Normal Child Abuse Single-sided flyer parallels harms of the corona measures on children with the child abuse that took place in the Canadian aboriginal residential school system.
20 Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective and Immoral Double-sided flyer, citing 24 sources, giving nine reasons why masks are harmful, six proofs that they are ineffective, and five ways they are immoral.
Doctors and Scientists on Mandatory Masking Quotes from Dr. Karina Reiss, Ph.D., Dr. Sucharit Bakdi, MD., Prof. Denis Rancourt, Ph.D. and Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP, on the ineffectiveness and dangers of mandatory masking.
7 Studies Show Face Masks Don’t Work This double-sided flyer references seven studies showing that masks don’t stop infection. It also cites a Dutch microbiologist with the WHO, saying masks are advised “not because of scientific evidence, but because of political pressure and public opinion.”
No Mask? We Won’t Ask A sign businesses can put in their window letting customers know that: “If you are not wearing a mask you have a ‘reasonable excuse.” It lets them know your store is a safe place and you thank them for their business. (Indeed, it’s attracting new customers for businesses who who put it up).
Every Civil Rights Movement Begins With a Shunned 5% A flyer for the choir. A half-page, double-sided message of encouragement for fellow protestors of the corona hoax. Ideal for distributing at rallies.
Deadly Costs of Lockdowns A full-colour, tri-fold brochure produced by Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms detailing the harms of lockdowns and the lack of justification behind them.