“[Mask wearing has] been shown to be a very effective public health measure,” claims Dr. Craig Jenne, an infectious disease researcher at the University of Alberta. He was quoted in CBC’s latest corona propaganda piece where they belittled Canadians protesting the corona “safety” measures being enforced upon them.
“[Mask wearing has] been shown to be a very effective public health measure,” claims Dr. Craig Jenne, an infectious disease researcher at the University of Alberta. He was quoted in CBC’s latest corona propaganda piece where they belittled Canadians protesting the corona “safety” measures being enforced upon them.
So how does Jenne know mask wearing has been “a very effective public health measure”? I guess it depends what “effect” Health Canada was aiming for. Mindless servitude or improved health?
If it’s the latter then I assume Health Canada has a control group in some remote corner of Newfoundland where the population observed all the new normal dictates sans the masks?
Otherwise, is Jenne just guessing? Is he possibly confusing personal bias with objective science? After all, the government’s own documents admit that seven randomized controlled trials (with verified outcomes) show masks don’t stop primary or secondary infection.
But the CBC article likes to skip pesky facts and stick to the opinions of “experts” on the government’s payroll. Of course, Jenne did share one fact with us: “We know, for example, that masks can reduce the transmission and spread of droplets by more than six-fold.”
Yes, we know masks stop droplets. I don’t need intravital microscopy and a degree in spitology to see that. Now, if it’s a six-fold reduction, that’s well, interesting. I guess. More vital is that despite the fact masks do such a wonderful job of collecting spit in front of your mouth… they still do not decrease viral infection in any way.
Jenne then tries to excuse the fact that mandatory masking violates the Canadian Bill of Rights: “Wearing a mask is not a large ask and [it] is not an arduous process to literally protect the lives of people in your community.”
Sure, if they did protect anyone, which as far as we know, after 20 years of testing, they do not. So stop suggesting people who don’t wear masks are putting people at risk, because you have no proof. It seems far more likely that those wearing masks are putting people at risk of living in a deranged germaphobic society under a tyrannical regime absent of even the facade of democracy.
Jenne’s concludes with another illogical point: “If we can do our part to keep viral numbers down, we can protect [those who cannot wear masks for medical reasons].” Protect? Even the most official, optimistic and unscientific rhetoric admits that masks would only delay someone from contracting a virus, not prevent it.
As Albert Camus wrote: “The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”
A good conscience is the last thing they need. I refuse the mask by claiming an ethical-religious exemption. And the two times I had to wear one, I wore a mask of dissent. Please, consider doing the same. Be kind, and do not support this violation of freedom, science and humanity in any way.