After more than 1,000 hours of work, the Much Ado About Corona novel has been rewritten 14+ times. It has been reviewed by a developmental editor, two line-editors, two copy-editors and thirty beta readers. It is now ready for formatting and final proofing. I’m aiming to release it on February 14th, Valentine’s Day (it’s a “dystopian love story” after all).
Now, every book needs a synopsis and I’ve been spending hours and hours writing many diverse drafts and then boiling them down to this final 156-word beta version. I’d appreciate you reviewing it and letting me know:
- Anything you really like about it.
- What you don’t like about it.
- Anything that confuses you.
- Anything you think would improve it.
- How much it makes you want to read the novel.
- Any other feedback.
So here we go…
A Novel About Real Love and a Fake Pandemic
Summer 2020. The first lockdown has ended in the small Canadian town of Moosehead. Twenty-four-year-old Vincent McKnight emerges from three months of stay-at-home orders into a surreal new normal of multi-coloured face masks, smelly hand sanitizers and frightened neighbours (standing six feet apart).
The bizarre new normal becomes even stranger when Vince’s indigenous grandfather sends him to buy a loaf of bread from the town’s new baker. She can speak five languages, has beautiful blue eyes and… is absolutely crazy. Stefanie Müller believes the pandemic is a hoax and that the “public health” measures are a deceptive plan to depopulate and enslave humanity. Despite himself, Vince can’t help feeling attracted to her freedom-loving spirit, while denying her outlandish conspiracy theories.
But when COVID restrictions threaten his grandad’s life, and the local cop starts reaching for his taser, Stefanie’s conspiracy theories no longer seem so theoretical. Vince soon finds himself going face-to-mask with the emerging medical police state—compelled to choose between a world of faceless zombies or free citizens; between a life of submissive fear or courageous love.
You can send any feedback to me at: info@muchadoaboutcorona.ca
You can read more about the novel, read testimonials and preview a free chapter.