The University of Almería, in Spain, recently released a report showing that a vial of the COVID-19 concoction (AKA vaccine) contained a “mesh of folded translucent flexible sheets” of graphene oxide. Many people are now speculating that repeated injections of this secret superconductor ingredient will incrementally transform humanity into cybernetic organisms. Such a fear is not totally unfounded, as graphene oxide, a man-made nanotechnology, is currently being used in animal-machine interface experiments. But is such a threat still more fiction than science?
The merging of man and machine has long been depicted in science fiction as the pinnacle of evil. Most popular are probably the Borg (pictured above on the right). In 1989, I was eleven-years-old when they first tried to assimilate the crew of the Starship Enterprise in season two of Star Trek: The Next Generation. For the following week, I had nightmares about this race of robotic zombies, linked together by a vast wireless hive mind, droning on with their monotone mantra about resistance being useless.
Of course, prior to the Borg, we had Darth Vader (pictured above in the center). In 1977, he debuted in the original Star Wars film. This asthmatic cyborg quickly became an iconic villain. More machine than man, he lacked empathy, slaughtering children, blowing apart planets and even cutting off his son’s saber hand (so that Luke, too, could have a cybernetic appendage just like Dad).
Long before Vader, however, were the Cybermen, first introduced in season three of Doctor Who in 1966 (pictured above on the left). This sorry lot of humanoids slowly replaced their body parts (much like the Tin Man in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) until they were nothing more than heartless, monsters of stiffly walking steel (with a bizarre allergy to gold).
If the COVID vaccines do contain graphene, is this the first step towards such a transhumanist future for man? After all, the cofounder and chief executive of inBrain (a European nanotech company in Barcelona), Carolina Aguilar, told Sifted magazine that graphene’s “durability, electrical conductivity and longevity make it a perfect candidate for brain implanted technology.” So far, however, inBrain’s experiments seem to offer nothing more impressive than a wireless way of detecting epileptic seizures in sheep.
The idea that any graphene oxide content in the vaccine will lead to human brains merging with the internet—or otherwise lead to enhanced mental or physical abilities—appears still in the realm of science fiction. If such possibilities did exist, Apple could openly market them, with millions of iPhone-addicted users lining up for such an implant (no matter what the risk). Instead, like James Corbett said in an interview with the Coronavirus Investigative Committee, such claims of cyber-potential are probably more charlatan than science. An enticement for some and a new operation of psychological terror for many.
Instead, as Ricardo Delgado Martin, founder and director of Quinta Columna, says in an interview with Prof Michel Chossudovsky, the real concern regarding graphene oxide in much more crude. As we’ve already seen from over 10,000 deaths reported to the CDC, the vaccine (one way or another) is toxic to the humans. Wireless technology, rather than yoking a man to the internet, would probably accentuate the toxic effects of a graphene component (which might serve as an antenna).
Fortunately, as Martin states (and brain implant companies bemoan) human bodies are rather good at eliminating graphene oxide. In particularly, glutathione (which is produced in the liver and available through plant foods) is a well recognized antioxidant.
Therefore, even if your neighbor did get the COVID injection, it might take nothing more sophisticated than a healthy lifestyle to eliminate graphene oxide from his or her body. In other words, graphene is a toxin. The fact it is manmade may make it compatible with computers, but all the more easily rejected by flesh.
So, best not to get the jab. And, as Martin states in the interview, don’t wear the medical masks or let them ram a PCR swab up your nose. These too, have been found to contain graphene oxide (see the Health Canada Advisory).
Graphene oxide may even be in the air via chemtrails or other forms of pollution. Yet another reason to breathe through one’s nose (as taught in Patrick McKeown in his book The Breathing Cure). Furthermore, skip the ten-minute walk with the dog, and build up to an hour’s run (with the mouth closed) each day, to really get your liver in antioxidant overdrive (see Patrick McDougall’s Born to Run). Be sure to get enough sleep, as most detoxification takes place when we slumber (as explained in Matthew Walker’s book Why We Sleep). Eat healthy, skip the junk food and avoid the vices (as advised in Dr. Alan Goldhamer’s The Pleasure Trap).
If nothing else, try a 24- or 36-hour fast once a week on distilled water (as outlined in the classic book The Miracle of Fasting by Paul Braggs). Fasting is a time-tested way to detoxify that is not only free but will save you money.
Lastly, please remember that resistance is never useless; and your neighbour will probably not be assimilated.