Frontline doctors speak out against the false “cycle of fear” around COVID-19 from the steps of Capitol Hill

“Americans are riveted and captured by fear at the moment,” says Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, a board certified emergency physician. “We are not held down by the virus as much as we are being held down by the spiderweb of fear. That spiderweb is all around us and it is constricting us. And it is draining the lifeblood of the American people, American society, and American economy. “

Standing before the U.S. Supreme Court, introduced by a member of Congress, a group of physicians belonging to the organization America’s Frontline Doctors stated that “life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign” regarding COVID-19. The organizations mandate warns that “if Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”

“This message has been silenced,” continues Dr. Gold. “There are many thousands of physicians who have been silenced for telling the American people the good news about the [COVID-19] situation. That we can manage the virus, carefully and intelligently; but we cannot live with this spiderweb of fear that is constricting our country.

“So we are going to hear from various physicians. Some are going to talk to you about what the lockdown has done to young, to old, to businesses, to the economy and how we can get ourselves out of this cycle of fear.”

Breitbart News published the video on YouTube yesterday. It is reported to have received 17 million views and became the most viewed video on Facebook.

“President Trump shared multiple versions of the video with his 84 million Twitter followers Monday night,” reports Fox News, “despite the dubious claims running counter to his administration’s own public health experts.”

Dubious claims? That impartial journalist must be referring to common sense observations like: Masks are not necessary,  hydroxychloroquine has been shown to be clinically effective, lockdowns do far more harm than any theoretical good, children are not spreaders of the disease. Basically these frontline doctors, who see COVID patients nearly every day, are saying the opposite to the mind-control dribble the news and government have been inundating us with for the last six months.

Sometime last night, however, the press conference footage was banned from YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. I’ve managed to obtain a copy and have made it available here:

Please, share the video with as many people as you can. These doctors are risking their lives and careers to help the people of the world escape the slow and sure grip of irrational fear. Let’s be brave and do what we can to support them. Remember the words of the Ralph Waldo Emerson: “He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.”


John C. A. Manley About the Author: John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal, while living in Stratford Ontario, with his wife Nicole and son Jonah. You can subscribe to his email newsletter, read his amusing bio or check out his novel.