Are people who put up
with tyranny too agreeable?

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

In my recent interview with Will Dove on The Iron Will Report, he introduced me to the Big Five Aspects personality test (co-created and popularized by Jordan Peterson).

"One of the traits [the test] measures is something called agreeableness," explained Will. "To what degree someone will go along to get along. And what I have found from people I've encountered who are in the counter-narrative movement and have taken this test... is that almost without exception we score very low in agreeableness."

Will says he scores in the 11th percentile, while John Carpay, president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom, scores in the 1st percentile.

Well, that made me curious to see where I scored... After all, I've written over three hundred articles countering the mandates, was publicly speaking out as early as March 2020, ran a local freedom group for over a year and wrote a 500-page novel exposing the lies. Surely, I too must rank super-low in agreeableness.

So I took the test... and it turns out I'm a rather agreeable person — falling in the 66th percentile.

Even Will Dove's wife scores lower than me — at 45 (twenty points lower than the average women).

It's true. I prefer to get along and avoid conflict.

So why have I been such a rebel?

Well, the same test shows that I rank in the 90th percentile for "openness to experience." Indeed, when Justin Trudeau declared the first lockdown, my immediate reaction was one of repulsion to the limitations that were being imposed on our lives.

Those ranking high in openness (like me) are described as having a high appreciation and aptitude for "novelty, art, literature, abstract thinking, philosophy, as well as a sensitivity to aesthetic emotions and beauty." I saw the Nutty New Normal as being at war with all these qualities that make life worth living.

So, it's not because I like to disagree that I have been fighting this evil agenda now for over 28 months. It's because I care, deeply, about what they are trying to take from all of us.

Now, if you'd like to find out how agreeable and open you are (as well as extroverted, conscientious and neurotic) you can take the test at

—John C. A. Manley

PS If you missed my interview with Will Dove you can still view it on Strong and Free Canada.

PPS The fact I scored so high in the creativity and philosophy, might explain why  Much Ado About Corona is averaging five stars on Amazon.

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story, the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber at: