Be the Miracle You Want
to See in the World
Friday, September 16, 2022
In a recent episode of
Just Right, Thierry Baudet, a Dutch politician — who has been opposing the COVID mandates since the beginning of the scamdemic — suggests that nothing short of a miracle is needed to save humanity from enslavement under a one-world tyranny.
"It would be a very good proof of the existence of God if we would win this in the end," says Baudet. "Only a god can save us. I really think.... we need a miracle."
Just Right's host Bob Metz comments, such talk, rather than lofty and holy, is pessimistic and nihilistic. "There is nothing we can do to advert the events we fear. There is no hope."
Novel writing 101 warns about a story-telling blunder called
deus ex machina. This was a plot technique used in Greek theatre, where tragedy was averted in the third act by a god coming down and saving helpless man. It makes for an unsatisfying ending to a story (think
War of the Worlds, for a modern example).
You want to see a miracle? Look in the mirror. You're a human being. Made in God's image, so the Bible says.
Or look at all the other humans who have stood up against this global deception — whether it's brave politicians like Baudet himself, real journalists like
James Corbett, honest doctors like
Dr. Mark Trozzi, freedom fighters like
Will Dove, or just common folk who refuse to wear a mask, get the jab or shut down their business.
So instead of turning our problems over to God, I think we should mind the words of Jesus: "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these..."
—John C. A. Manley
PS In a five-star review of Much Ado About Corona, Pete Toccalino wrote: "The novel is a reminder that if we don’t want to be steam-rolled by this anti-human agenda, we need to stand up and squarely face down the tide of tyranny inundating the world today... Great job, John, in demonstrating how literary art has the timeless and universal power to shine light on darkness and deception."