Freedom: The Truly Right Side of Politics

Wednesday, February 16, 2023

Blazing Reader:

A couple of weeks ago I received an email from Bob Metz, the producer of the weekly podcast and radio show Just Right (now in its sixteenth season), where he wrote:

"Thank you so much for your personally autographed copy of Much Ado About Corona, which I am finally now in the process of reading and finding most enjoyable....
"I am also writing to inquire whether... you might be interested in being my 'in studio' guest... to record an episode of Just Right discussing the theme [of] the 'cultural Zeitgeist' and the role of art, literature, etc., as well as the book itself and your upcoming sequel Brave New Normal (a great title, by the way)."

I said yes, of course. We're recording this Saturday. The studio — in London, Ontario — is only an hour's drive from my home.

I've been listening to Just Right for over six years now. I never miss an episode. And don't let the name of the show mislead you, it has nothing to do with being "right wing." Far from it. As Bob Metz said in last week's episode:

"As the architect of our dysfunctional and broken political compass, the Left has been astonishingly successful in having destroyed the proper association of freedom with the Right, while at the same time disguising the totalitarian nature of the Left. In desperation, many seeking freedom turn towards a false 'Right' associated with conservatism, libertarianism, and even anarchism – all rooted in ideologies of the Left."

That's from episode 797 – Why freedom is just Right—and tyranny is always Left. I encourage you to give it a listen. As always Bob Metz digs deep below current events — whether it's face masks, vaccines, climate change alarmists or the war in Ukraine — and leaves you with an objective, philosophical and practical interpretation of the sociopolitical battle which affects every aspect of our lives.

Stay sane and... just right,
John C. A. Manley

PS Many people say they aren't political. But, as Bob demonstrates in episode 797, if you believe in freedom, then you are on the truly right side of politics.

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story, the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscirber at: