The most expensive jigsaw puzzle
I've ever bought....

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Blazing Reader:

For the last few weeks, as I eat breakfast in the morning, while listening to my new favourite Celtic band, Ímar, I've been staring at Jordan Henderson's latest painting, Science Fiction — on the cover of a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle box.

Yes, I've finally bought one of Jordan's paintings as a jigsaw puzzle. And it's the most expensive puzzle I've ever bought. After shipping to Canada and paying duties it cost about $100 CAD. So that's like 20 cents a puzzle piece.

Not only is it the most expensive jigsaw puzzle I've ever bought in my life, it's the only one I've ever bought. And it's not even for me. It's actually a gift I'll be presenting to Bob Metz at his in-home studio, today. At 2pm, we're recording an interview about Much Ado About Corona for his podcast and radio show, Just Right. The show has over a million listeners worldwide, so this is one of my biggest media appearances yet.

Now anybody who has listened to Just Right knows Bob Metz is a bit of a science fiction buff. He often features audio clips from Star Trek, Black Mirror and old sci-fi flicks on his show (in between metaphysical discussions about various sociopolitical topics). As Jordan told me, the painting was based on "mid-century horror, sci-fi, pulp fiction, and yes B-Grade movies." Bob also  talks about how he often has his grandkids over. So I'm hoping they'll enjoy putting the puzzle together.

The more I stare at it the more I appreciate it. The fact that it only shows the shadow of the coronavirus monster reflects how that's all it's ever been — a figment of the public imagination. While the cheesy weapon being used against it — the COVID injection — offers the Ray Bradbury plot twist — with a new study showing the mRNA serum has already claimed 13 million victims.

Anyway, wish me luck today for my first in-studio appearance on Just Right. And, if you live in the USA, you might want to order yourself your own Science Fiction jigsaw puzzle (or pint, T-shirt, greeting card...). And if you live in Canada then please help me petition Jordan Henderson to find a Canadian fulfillment company.

Stay sane and amused,

John C. A. Manley

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.