Blazing Reader:
In his recent Substack post, Steve Kirsch cites a February 28th document from San Francisco's Department of Public Health ordering those working in jails that they must wear a mask at all times or risk becoming an inmate.
But as Kirsch points out: "The good news is that after they put you in prison, you aren't required to wear a mask." As you may know, it's illegal to enforce masking on prisoners.
These may all seem like signs of an insane monster aimed at devouring all our freedoms. But, in reality, is it not more like a dying ogre frothing at the mouth, flailing its arms crazily, before it falls over and dies?
We can help put this poor beast out its misery by speaking out. That's why I'm proud of my son Jonah's forthcoming parody which makes people laugh at the so-called authorities rather than fear them. If you haven't already, head on over to to catch up on the short and funny pre-release videos.