Did The Deep State Start the Canadian Forest Fires?

Monday, June 12, 2023

Blazing Reader:

In my last post, I argued that the Quebec forest fires were being used as another excuse to scare people back into wearing masks and staying at home. Two people argued that if there is smoke in the air, then staying at home and masking up would protect us from particulate matter.

In my opinion, if the smoke is so bad you need to duct-tape yourself inside, your home is far too close to the fire. Instead of strapping on an N95 you need to be strapping on a seat belt and getting out of town faster than the government can whip up its next climate-change crisis.

For as subscriber Danmo Iconoclast wrote to say:

Well said man, right on the money. I have a difficult time myself believing these are even naturally caused fires. Burn down the woods, get people afraid of them, move out of rural living and into their 15 minute cities...  Keeping kids indoors are just soft climate lockdowns. Those are coming next. All the best my friend. Love your emails and your message to people.

Setting the True North Strong and Free on fire to drive people into climate change ghettos... could Canada's deep state be so diabolical? Ten years ago, I would have doubted it. But, now — after three years of them killing their citizens off with lockdowns and poisonous injections and then, if none of that worked, offering them medically assisted suicide — it does seem far more likely that these fires are caused by (in)human psychopaths rather than lightning storms.

After all, forest fires are a lot easier to pull off than faking weapons of mass destruction, a novel pandemic, or (spoiler alert) an alien invasion.

Whether the government forgot to put out its campfires or not, they certainly are suspect #1. And we need to be vocal about our suspicions — before, as Damno says, they have us all living in 15-minute concentration camps far away from Mother Nature.

Sometimes things need to get bad enough, so we'll get brave enough.

They are bad enough. And you are brave enough.

Please share this message with as many people as you can.

Stay sane & read good books,
John C. A. Manley

PS The COVID con woke up a lot of people. But many want to go back to sleep. That's why I wrote Much Ado about Corona: A Dystopian Love Story — to stop people from forgetting. A story will stay in your head better than any facts and figures. You can help me get this novel into as many heads as possible by purchasing copies for your family, friend and neighbours or sending them to MuchAdoAboutCorona.com

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story, the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber at: https://blazingpinecone.com/subscribe/