Well, at least he didn't have to cut off his own leg...

Mon Dec 18 2023

Blazing Reader,

In a previous post I told how Bob Metz, the president of the Freedom Party of Ontario, ended up trapped in his apartment for over 24 hours, without food or water, suffering the excruciating pain of a broken femur.

As Bob related his ordeal to me from his hospital bed, I told him how it reminded me of Aron Ralston. Years ago, I read Ralston's book Between a Rock and a Hard Place — a harrowing account of how this 27-year-old hiker spent 127 hours in Utah's Blue John Canyon with his arm pinned down by an 800-pound boulder. On day six, mustered the courage to break both bones in his squashed appendage and then sever the skin, ligaments and nerves with a dull switchblade.

Fortunately, Bob Metz didn't have to amputate his leg with a butter knife.

Nonetheless, in the latest episode of his Just Right podcast, Bob shares intense — yet far less gory — details of his 27-hour (or so) ordeal and the thirty days that followed in the trauma unit of a London, Ontario hospital.

You can hear it all (including an opening audio clip from one-armed Ralston) over at JustRightMedia.org.

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.