I never wanted to co-host a podcast
and now I am…

Thu Jan 4 2024

Blazing Reader,

When I’m not writing speculative fiction, I lead another life as a marketing and copywriting consultant. It pays the bills and helps good businesses get bigger. As Gandhi said, grow the business you want to see in the world (or something like that).

But this year, one of my new clients isn’t a business, but the People’s Party of Canada. I’ve been a founding member since it was formed back in 2018. They stand for individual rights and other such outrageous ideas while opposing the rise of a prison state labelled as an altruistic welfare program.

One of our many projects underway to win the next election includes a weekly podcast. I was contracted to help produce, edit and promote the podcast; while Wayne Baker, our local candidate, would host it.

Somehow, Wayne talked me into co-hosting it with him.

We just released the first episode, which features a discussion with my gun instructor Dennis Dill about why banning guns is immoral, frivolous and super dangerous. Yes, I know, most people think owning guns is dangerous. This podcast might change their minds.

You can watch or listen to us at: https://perthwellingtonppc.ca/tpm/0001-gun-ownership/

Or, for a five-minute excerpt check out: https://youtu.be/SINM82a4-gU

Dennis has over 55 years of experience owning and firing guns. He is a member of the International Defensive Pistol Association and has attended gun matches in Ontario and throughout the USA. Here’s just a sample of what we talked about:

• Why banning guns doesn’t address mental illness and the evil behind mass murder.

• Why crooks will always get a hold of guns — making almost any form of public gun control frivolous, wasteful and immoral.

• How gun ownership prevented Japan from landing on the West Coast during World War II.

• Why gun registration serves no logical purpose and could cost innocent people their lives if Canada was ever invaded.

• Why police officers should have no more right to carry a gun than a law-abiding person.

All that and more is available at: https://perthwellingtonppc.ca/tpm/0001-gun-ownership/

While the video version includes plenty of extra visuals than just our talking heads, we produced the show so that it works just fine if you prefer to only listen to it. On that page, you’ll also find links to the video on YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute and Substack, along with a link to subscribe to the podcast.

—John C.A. Manley

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.