This company just lost my $900/year account after censoring me for exposing the COVID-19 clotshot

Wed Feb 14 2024


Blazing Reader,


Two years ago, the company that was managing the email delivery of this Blazing Pine Cone email newsletter froze my account. The company's name is Aweber. They are one of the leaders in the industry.


Despite being a customer for over a decade, one day in 2022 I logged in and, without any explanation, I could not send out my daily email newsletter. I immediately contacted customer support.


“Your account has been suspended,” they informed me.




The account cost $75 a month. Why in the world were they suspending it?


Was it because I supported the trucker convoy?


No. It turned out it was because I had included a link to the alternative news website in an email I was writing. It was only a draft. I hadn't even tried to send it out. Nonetheless, they froze my whole account (and didn't even alert me).


“If you remove the link from your draft email,” they told me, “we can reactivate your account.”


That's all. Just bow down to Orwellian censorship and you can have your account back.


Well, I needed to get that day's email out, so I deleted the link and they resumed my account.


I then sent the CEO a letter stating that was doing a great job at exposing how the death rate among children in Europe has increased substantially since they started injecting them with the COVID-19 vaccine. By suppressing my email were they not condoning murder?


The only response I received was from customer service telling me it went against “best practices” for sending out emails.


No, it went against best practices for brainwashing billions of people into taking a poisonous injection.


Since then I've been on the lookout for a new email service provider to deliver my Blazing Pine Cone newsletter. Sadly, other popular companies, like MailChimp, have banned customers for far less.


So I continued using Aweber. I would even send out links to the forbidden website, using a redirect link that fooled their AI software.


But last year, a colleague of mine introduced me to a relatively new email distribution company called BerserkerMail. Not only did they offer better delivery rates and a much more efficient user interface, but they also promised in their FAQ that the owners of the company: “...don’t care if you believe vaccines are the devil. And they don’t care if you believe a secret cabal of billionaires want to de-populate the world. They hate the thought police, despise big tech fascism, and have nothing but contempt for cancel culture.”


So that's why, yesterday, I switched to using BerserkerMail — even though it is slightly more expensive. I'm closing my account with Aweber and letting them know that their censorship policies have cost them a $900/year customer.


If you run a business, blog or organization, I highly recommend you consider using BerserkerMail to manage your email marketing. They not only refuse to police your thoughts, but they have implemented 50+ strategies to prevent your messages from landing in people's spam boxes. And their interface is the easiest I've ever used.


You can get a free test drive (no credit card needed) at: 


Let's support the businesses we want to see in a free world.


—John C.A. Manley


John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.