Three outspoken evangelists of the mRNA clot shot have had their vaccine ministries
come to sudden and sad ends

Mon Mar 18 2024


Dr. Vicky Jennings, a trauma surgeon in South Africa, used to post content online mocking people who questioned the safety of the mRNA injections.


Por ejemplo, she posted a photo of herself encircled by the words:


Disinformation is Deadly

Vaccines Save Lives


Nice of her to weave a prime example of disinformation — "Vaccines Save Lives" — directly into her meme. 


She even poked fun at the irrefutable reality of vaccine side-effects by saying that she was "waiting to grow my unicorn horn now" after submitting to the poison shot. Referring to the conspiracy theory that the injections contain self-assembling microchips, she added, "Bill Gates can start tracking my fascinating life.”


Dr. Jennings, however, has stopped posting these public disservice announcements... because her "fascinating life" has come to a sudden end at the age of 43.


South Africa's R News published this statement on March 6th:


"Numerous tributes and messages of condolence poured into [sic] Dr. Vicky Jennings, an internationally respected and locally loved trauma surgeon, who died suddenly on Sunday."


The official cause of death of this mother of two was a heart attack. She had no known illnesses.


It must be total coincidence she was fully boosted with an experimental technology known to cause myocarditis.


Just as Ian Vandaelle's death was also, surely, a coincidence. Vandaelle was a Canadian corporate media journalist who publicly demanded that anyone who wasn't vaccinated get hauled off to concentration camps (according to the Lion of Judah Ministry Substack). This evil fascist was "declared neurologically dead" at age 33 on December 5, 2023.


Again, it must also have been a coincidence that Lt. Col. Jered Little, commander of Public Health Activity (for Hawaii), died suddenly, on November 24th, at age 39 — after being the triple-vaxxed poster boy for the US Military.


All three of these vaccine evangelists believed they were doing the world a service by not only getting the clot shot themselves but encouraging, shaming and threatening others to accept vaccination as the one true path to respiratory salvation.


In the end, they have done us a service: they have shown that they were dead wrong.


And there are many more. I'll be sharing more sudden death stories from those who pushed the kill shot on the world (subscribe below if you haven't already). Let's not allow their deaths to go unnoticed by the masses. You can only have so many coincidences before denial becomes impossible. Please share this post with your friends and family.


John C.A. Manley


John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.