The "Queerest Little Town in Canada"
apparently isn't queer enough
and needs more government handouts

Thu Mar 21 2024


From the front page of my local (Stratford, Ontario) newspaper:


"While support for the 2SLGBTQ1A+ community has grown in recent years, 2SLGBTQ1A+ community groups across the province are still underfunded and under-supported by local, provincial and federal government..."


Underfunded? If any of these alphabet soup organizations in my town are receiving ANY money from the city, the province or Ottawa, they are already overfunded.


And I'm not saying this because they are "pride" organizations with a computer-generated password for the name of their so-called "community" of diverse members. I'd be saying the same if they were the Hog Farmers Association, the Vegan Brownie Society or the Mystery Lovers Book Club.


Why in the world do they feel they have the right to get a cheque written to them from all three levels of government to fund their associations with money that was stolen from taxpayers?


The only reason given in the article was a quote from one of the organizers saying: "It's still not easy to be a queer kid in Stratford."


It's not easy being a kid, period. Whether you're too "queer," or too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, too smart, too dumb, too quiet, too loud, too ethnic, too white, too slow, too...


The list goes on forever.


Nonetheless, they expect the government to steal more money from taxpayers (because whatever they have received so far just isn't enough) to somehow make things easier for a girl who thinks she is a boy.


This is despite the fact that the same article points out that Stratford is already considered the "Queerest Little Town in Canada."


Of course, if kids ("queer" or otherwise) are being assaulted or coerced for whatever reason, call the police or citizen arrest the offenders, put the bullies on trial and lock them up for 90+ days. That's what we pay the police and court systems for — to keep people (regardless of their acronyms) safe from anybody who would threaten their life, liberty or property.


Not that I ever hear of any queer kids in Stratford, the "Queerest Little Town in Canada," being assaulted, murdered or having his/her/their property stolen.


Instead, these 2SLGBTQ1A+ organizations have the rather queer idea that they have the right to other people's property (stolen through taxation) in hopes that it'll make their life easier.


John C.A. Manley


PS "To continue treating the fictional '2SLGBTQIA+ community' as if it was an actual constituency of some sort is playing the Left’s game," says Bob Metz in episode #830 of Just Right. "The invention of this imaginary community is part of an explicitly outlined Marxist agenda..." You can listen to the full episode at: 


John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.