"Your dry sense of humour had me
laughing out loud" (and other reactions
to my interview with my youngest reader)

Fri May 17 2024

Blazing Reader,

Here's some of the super-positive feedback that's come in regarding my newly released interview with Manuel Gutierrez Toccalino — the youngest known reader of Much Ado About Corona:

Bob Metz, host of Just Right, says: "That was a lot of fun. I must say that your on-camera persona is excellent, and your dry sense of humour had me laughing out loud on one or two occasions. I also found the production quality of the video to be excellent."

Christian Pillon from Germany says: “You can tell he really enjoyed the book. Loved the parts where you explained some of the foreshadowing going on (some of which I totally missed when reading the book)....”

Manuel's Uncle Pete in Ontario says: "Great interview... and very enjoyable for me to see you sitting down with my sister and nephew to discuss the book / Covid psy op / and life in general. The rapport between you guys was awesome; and plenty of light, funny moments, as well.”

And Christina Stafford from British Columbia says: "I found the whole interview very interesting, particularly that Manuel's mother was so aware... She was a good model of self-confidence for me to know about."

If you haven't yet, you can watch the sneak preview here: https://www.blazingpinecone.com/books/corona/manuel/

John C.A. Manley

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story, the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber at: https://blazingpinecone.com/subscribe/