Why artists tend to bend the knee to tyranny

Tue Jun 4 2024

Blazing Reader,

In Friday's post, I shared a Heretics podcast interview with Winston Marshall (former banjo player for Mumford & Sons) in which he talks about why he thinks artists tend to bend the knee to tyranny: they are too agreeable.

Even Marshall admits he ranks extremely high in "agreeableness" in the Big Five Aspects personality test. I first heard of this test in 2022, during an interview on The Iron Will Report. Host Will Dove told how he's found that supporters of the counter-narrative movement rank close to 0% in agreeableness.

That got me curious, so I took the test. And while I'm not quite as agreeable as Winston Marshall, I ranked rather high. To see my results, and hear my theory which explains why — despite being so agreeable — Marshall and I are still non-conforming artists, read this post from 2022: Are people who put up with tyranny too agreeable?

John C.A. Manley

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story, the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber at: https://blazingpinecone.com/subscribe/