"...living virtual lives in an A.I. generated unreality..."

Mon Oct 28 2024

Blazing Reader,

I sent Bob Metz, host of Just Right and president of the Freedom Party of Ontario, an advance readers copy of my forthcoming novel, All the Humans Are Sleeping.

A month passed, and I hadn't heard from him... until two weeks ago, when he suddenly sent me an email which opened with:

"As to All the Humans Are Sleeping, I read the entire book in a single day, and once again you have created a masterpiece."

He continued with the following commentary and endorsement:

"Picture a dystopian future following a global nuclear holocaust in which the world's inhabitants have fled to underground facilities where 'all the humans are sleeping' in pods, living virtual lives in an A.I. generated unreality.

"If this theme sounds vaguely familiar, it should.  It was the film The Matrix that 'was the inspiration for All the Humans Are Sleeping,' according to its author John C.A. Manley.

"Not just a story, but an experience, John Manley's narrative transcends his story's plot, infusing insights and observations about some of the most fundamental issues that have faced mankind throughout history.

"One is left wondering whether All the Humans Are Sleeping is a warning against a dystopian future — or a wake up call to our dystopian present, where half of the humans are sleeping."

Bob Metz has long been one of my philosophical role models. His endorsement is like gold.

All the Humans Are Sleeping is coming out in print, ebook and audiobook formats no later than Dec 1st. Until then, you can listen to episode 883 of Bob Metz's Just Right where his co-host, Robert Vaughan, interviewed me on why "the power of fiction is no fiction" at: https://justrightmedia.org/blog/archives/14796

Stay sane & read great books,
John C.A. Manley

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.