"...an act of self-hatred
and extreme disrespect to self..."

Fri Nov 22 2024

Blazing Reader,

If you thought my "Make Atherosclerosis Great Again" meme from yesterday was a bit harsh, you should read what mind-control researcher Jason Christoff had to say about Trump & Co. McDonald's photo-op:

"When I first found this picture, I was confused and demoralized because anyone healthy doesn't eat McDonald's. Let's be honest, eating McDonald's is basically an act of self-hatred and extreme disrespect to self. Everything served there would choke a maggot. McDonald's is pure poison and therefore it was completely logical that I felt confused and demoralized.

"I thought RFK was all about MAHA, which stands for Make America Healthy Again. These guys look more like teenagers, when one of them just got their driver's license, rather than empowered alpha males looking to take the USA bull by the horns. Are these the team members that God hand blessed personally, to bring the most powerful nation on earth back from the brink?"

You can read Jason Christoff's full article explaining why he believes this "photo of grown adults, who now sit in the ultimate positions of power, eating poison (when they campaigned against poison)" is part of a larger psychological operation, at: https://www.jchristoff.com/blog/rfk-trump-musk-and-company-eating-mcdonalds-why-was-it-taken

Stay sane and share great memes,

John C.A. Manley

PPS Maybe Jason and I are just "health nuts" or maybe we are onto something. If you missed my meme you can view it on X: https://x.com/JohnMan54880915/status/1860057101151928609

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.