All the Humans Are Sleeping:
Paperback and ebook now available

Mon Dec 2 2024

Blazing Reader,

All the Humans are Sleeping is now available in ebook and paperback format from the Amazon nearest you.

I hope, like Seán ÓLaoire, PhD (author of Spirits in Spacesuits) says, you will be both "shocked and delighted" by this story of a farmer, a robot and the end of the world.

You can purchase copies or get a sneak preview of the first 24 chapters (in ebook and audiobook format) here:

“I had serious goosebumps," says Louise L. Tremblay, author of Seven Roses. "All the Humans Are Sleeping masterfully blends sci-fi thrills with thought-provoking insights into our future… I couldn't put it down.”

John C.A. Manley

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.