"seems like a dumb reason"

Fri Mar 7 2025

Blazing Reader,

In response to my post on Monday (Canucks suffering another bizarre resurgence of pseudo patriotism) I (surprisingly) received no hate mail (I'll try harder next time) and plenty of positive feedback.

Por ejemplo...

Canadian ICU nurse (currently working in Florida), Andrew Brannan, emailed:

"Brilliant little essay there, John. Excellently worded, I nodded in agreement after every paragraph."

Elizabeth Wig wrote:

"So well stated. The hits just keep on coming. Deplorable.... I didn't go along with the last boogeyman and I won't go along this time either."

Steve Van Ness wrote:

"Good take on the current state of 'patriotism.' I can't argue with people buying local and supporting Canadian businesses, but only doing it because the TV told you to seems like a dumb reason. I question where all the Canadian celebrities were when No More Lockdowns, the People's Party of Canada and the Freedom Convoy fought a tyrannical government to keep Canada free. I can only count on one hand the celebs and public figures who stood up for us. Now, many of them make 'brave' claims that 'Canada is not for sale'...."

Yep. It seemed Canucks were just fine with selling their soul, no less their country, to Big-Pharma, the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization back in 2020... After all, the television told them it was the right thing to do.

And Teresa Nightingale of Attention Design emailed:

"I see all the red and white flags flying at the end of driveways and on vehicles and laugh because they don't realize it looks like they are finally supporting the trucker's convoy."

It's yet another interesting example of Canadian mass formation psychosis — this time rallying Canadians into a vindictive trade war they will almost certainly lose.

Oh Canada...

—John C.A. Manley

P.S. If you missed my "little essay" you can read (and share) it here.

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona, All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of philosophical fiction that are "so completely engaging that you find yourself alternately laughing, gasping, hanging on for dear life." Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber.