John C. A. Manley Intro Blurb

When the first lockdown hit Canada in March 2020, John C. A. Manley was in the midst of writing a urban fantasy novel. Immediately, realizing that the COVID measures were sudden leap into global totalitarianism he started penning a short story depicting where the corona hysteria would lead. Two years later, after 1,100 hours of work, that “short story” morphed into the recently published 500-page novel Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story.

John has spent fifteen years working as a ghostwriter for medical and alternative physicians, as well as having hand-written over 2,000 pages of fiction. Dr. Kevin Barrett, PhD call his new book “The great Canadian COVID novel.” Former W-5 and Dateline director, Patrick Corbett call Much Ado About Corona a “a ripping story of courage, awakening and love (with some good laughs thrown in).” John lives in Stratford, Ontario, Canada with his wife Nicole, son Jonah and a growing circle of freedom-fighting friends.