Interview Questions for John C. A. Manley

Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story

  1. Why did you decide to start writing this story back in March 2020?
  2. You began writing the book in March 2020. It took over 1,000 hours of work to write, revise and research. Can you describe the day-to-day process?
  3. Over thirty people were involved in the creation of this book, could you share some stories about who was involved and how they helped?
  4. Can you talk about the cover, who painted it and how it was created?
  5. Can you talk about how the novel—and specifically the character of the Ojibwe grandfather—shows the parallels between the Indigenous residential schools system and the COVID measures?
  6. The story is set in Northern Ontario, mainly in a small fictional town south of Sudbury. Can you talk about how you came up with the setting and why you chose Ontario?
  7. Reviewers are saying the book manages to depict the horror of the mandates, while making the story palatable with plenty of humour. How did you balance these two extremes?
  8. How can people purchase a copy of the book? Where can they find out more about your work?

Other Topics/Questions

  • Why masks don’t directly cause oxygen deprivation and the greater risk they actually pose.
  • How John used to live in a commune and escaped a religious cult.
  • John’s experiences breaking free of the medical system, his journey into natural health and his concerns about the direction much of the alternative health field has taken.
  • His views on viruses, disease and how to really stay healthy (without going broke).
  • The importance of focus and delayed gratification.