From the forest of my speculative fiction and unconventional thoughts, enter your email address below and I’ll send you…

...a free subscription to my Blazing Pine Cone newsletter and sample chapters from my debut novel, Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story. Simply enter your email address in the form below and click submit...

...or keep reading for more details about exactly what I'll be sending you...

A Story About Real Love and a Fake Pandemic

When you subscribe, I'll email you the prologue and chapter one of my controversial novel (in ebook and audiobook format), which I guarantee you the powers-that-should-not-be do not want you to read.

The Iron Will Report calls it a "fantastic read and well worth your time."

Hollywood producer, Patrick Corbett, describes it as "a ripping story of courage, awakening and love."

Brasscheck TV calls it "something beautiful and wonderful."

Find out why it's averaging 4.9 stars on Amazon (despite them banning it on their advertising platform).

My Email Newsletter About Fiction, Freedom and Philosophy
(Along With Some Other Fun and Productive Tangents)

Three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) I send out a short email to my long list of subscribers, sharing...

You can view samples of past emails here or you can just be a little daring and sign up below. It's easy to unsubscribe (not that you'd ever want to). And I'll guard your email address with my life. Wait. No, on second thought, I won't go that far. But bribes won't work.

What My Blazing Readers Are Saying...

"John Manley is a VERY gifted writer [and] a master storyteller..." — Sean O'Laoire PhD, author of Setting God Free: Moving Beyond the Caricature We've Created in Our Image

"Your thoughts are always very inspirational." —Grahame Booker, Ph.D., author of Coercion, Authority and Democracy: Towards an Apolitical Order"

"I so appreciate your blazing passion for sharing the truth and shining a light on all things inverted and  blatantly corrupt in our world." —Pamela Gerrand, soul-pop singer & songwriter,

"John's emails are always reliably informative, discerning and entertaining." —Prof. Denis Rancourt, PhD.,

"What you share is amazing, so touching and human. I love it." —Andréanne Martin, Montreal, Quebec, biologist, Martin-Parrot Inc.

"Incisive writing." —Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, President and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG),

"Just wanted you to know that reading your emails is a highlight in my day. I like to check out the links you include and you always make a lot of sense which is in short supply these days." —Diane R.

"Always enjoy your emails, challenge me, encourage me and are just a joy to read! As always, entertaining and informative, and... need I say humourous!" —Paul Jackson, Stratford, Ontario

"I'm so glad to have come across your writing and all you've shared about your life with your readers.  You are a courageous, creative, insightful and soulful man." —Markela Manesis, Ashland, Oregon

"Love your work, have followed you throughout the covidian era, you were the first to make me aware of the psyop - thx from the bottom of my ♡ forever!" —Libby

"Your messages always leave me hopeful, in spite of their dystopian flavour." —Jeanette Thiessen, Vancouver, British Columbia

"You are a wealth of information, truth, and entertainment." — Dianne

"So enjoy your site.  Makes me think and appreciate humour in this time of crisis of humanity." —Margaret Hibbs

"I look forward to reading your emails.  I find them very informative, interesting and encouraging." —Elaine Standish

You can join my band of happy Blazing Readers by entering your email address in the form below and clicking submit...

And, as I said, you're privacy is guaranteed. I'd rather be thrown out of an airplane (with a parachute, mind you) than hand over your personal information. And, at the end of each email I'll be sending you there is an unsubscribe link you can click if you ever decide you want to bail (no parachute needed). So go ahead, be brave, enter your email address, and I'll send you an email with a link to Much Ado About Corona.